Cool Smoke BBQ Rubs & Sauces
Cool Smoke BBQ Rub Sauce by Tuffy Stone:
"The Professor of BBQ," Tuffy Stone is a World Record-breaking champion pit master, He is a former Marine, a classically trained chef, and an occasional reality television star. Tuffy’s legendary precision and obsession with the science of smoke make him one of the most influential people in barbecue.
We sell Cool Smoke BBQ Rub Sauce in Kansas City & on our web site
Competition History:
41 Grand Championships
21 Reserve Grand Championships
5 Overall World Championships
- 2016 Jack Daniels Invitational Barbecue World Championship: Grand Champion
- 2015 Jack Daniels Invitational Barbecue World Championship: Grand Champion
- 2014 American Royal Open: Grand Champion
- 2013 American Royal Invitational: Grand Champion
- 2013 Jack Daniels Invitational Barbecue World Championship: Grand Champion